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Partner with us!
Our publication is a faith based project. It is our desire is to shine the light of the Lord on everyday women & young ladies who were in challenging situations and used their faith in God to bring them out victoriously! 1 Corinthians 15:57. Many lives have been touched & changed through the testimonials in our publication, prayer, food, clothing banks and free community outreach events. Praise God!
We have more ground to cover and are in need of your help to achieve this goal.
Do you have a desire to help us grow our publication, increase distribution locations, serve the community at a greater capacity & spread the good news about what Jesus is doing in and through the lives of everyday people?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions -
Here's how you can help us grow!
1. Friend of Victorious Women in Christ Magazine -$25 one time gift
Receive 1 copy of Victorious Women in Christ Magazine,
Tote Bag & honorable mention in our next magazine.
2. Victory Sponsor - $50 one time gift
Receive name / business recognition in our next quarterly publication, 1 copy of Victorious
Women in Christ Magazine,honorary mention on our three social media sites.
3. Champion Sponsor- $100 one time gift
Receive 1 copy of Victorious Women in Christ Magazine, name/business recognition
in our next quarterly publication, 1/4 color ad in the magazine and a link on our website
to your company's webpage.
4. Kingdom Sponsor - $300
Receive 1 year's worth of Victorious Women in Christ Magazines - 4 total, link to your company's website on our website, 1 full page color ad in the magazine, honorable mention on our three social
media sites.
5. Ephesians 3:20 Sponsor - $700 (or greater)
Receive 2 year's worth of Victorious Women in Christ Magazines - 4 total, link to your company's website on our website, 4 full page color ad in the magazine, 24 honorable mentions on our three social
media sites.
6. Be a Blessing Sponsor (give any amount)
We greatly appreciate your willingness to give.
*Thank you for blessings us with your generous contributions. We are able to enhance & expand our magazine ministry services to local charities, retail store locations, gift complimentary magazines to local families, distribute to women correctional facilities, women experiencing economic hardships, and host complimentary women empowerment conferences.
God bless you!
Your Special Tax Deductible, End -of -the -Year- Gift is greatly appreciated.

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