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But thanks be to God, which giveth us the

victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

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You're Invited!

You're invited to the Awesome Young Authors' Awards Luncheon.

"Celebrating Literary Creativity"

Come support Awesome Young Published Authors between the ages of 7 -15 yrs old who will be honored for their outstanding contribution to literature, meet & greet session, book signings, & youth author book discussion panel.

Location: Infusino's Banquet Hall, 3201 Rapids Dr.m Racine, WI

Time: 12 noon - 3 pm

--->> ​*The Young Authors will arrive to the event in a limo and walk the red carpet!

This is an event you don't want to miss!

Phenomenal speaker and storyteller Julia Witherspoon, Founder & Executive Director of Cops N' Kids Reading Center, delicious lunch buffet & dessert bar, live family-friendly entertainment, swag bags, vendors, and more!

Bring a brand new children's book to be donated to our book drive for Cops N' Kids Reading Center Annual book giveaway.

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